Written by Aileen Varela, Creator of Little Learners At Home
Summer is fast approaching, and what better way to kick off the season than with some fun learning activities with seashells? Seashells are a versatile and inexpensive material that can be used for a variety of activities with kids, including counting and painting.
Counting with Seashells:
One fun activity is to use seashells for counting. Start by collecting a variety of seashells in different sizes and shapes. You can also purchase some! The ones I used are from the Dollar Tree. Have your child sort the shells by size, color, or shape. This is a great way to teach basic math skills like sorting and counting.

You can also use seashells to practice addition and subtraction. Start with a small pile of shells and ask your child to add or subtract a certain number of shells. You can even create simple math problems using the seashells. We worked on counting with one-to-one correspondence, number recognition, counting verbally, and identifying more/less.
Painting Seashells:
Another fun activity with seashells is painting. You can have your child paint the shells in different colors, patterns, and designs. This is a great way to encourage creativity and fine motor skills.

Seashells are a fun and educational material to use with kids. Whether you’re counting, painting, or creating a craft, seashells offer a variety of ways to keep your child engaged and learning during the summer months. So go ahead and get creative with seashells and have fun exploring all the ways you can use this versatile material with your little learner.